The E design service takes into account room measurements, overall look of the home, and of course, integrating your personal style with a custom shopping list.
The entire process is conducted online from the comfort of your own home, making it affordable and convenient. This is a great option for clients who want a custom space, but prefer to work at their own pace.
The E design plan includes the following:
A floor plan that illustrates the arrangement of furniture and lighting in your space.
Specific, easy-to-follow instructions with trade contacts for any installation required.
Fabric recommendations for all furniture, throw cushions and window treatments.
Suggested placement of your existing photos and artworks.
Creative ideas for your existing furniture and integrating them with your new home and new furniture pieces.
Curated design presentations for each space in the home
Furniture and home decoration sourcing and shopping list
Two revisions based on client feedback
This plan does not include flooring picks, carpentry design and materials and renovation site discussion. If you want more help in those areas, full suite design & styling plan is more suited for your home journey needs.